Jurisic and Koolen proposed to study 1-homogeneous distance-regular graphs, [email protected] (that is, the graphs induced on the common neighbours of two vertices at distance 2) are complete multipartite. Examples include the Johnson graph J (8, 4), the halved 8-cube, the known generalized quadrangle of order (4, 2), an antipodal distance-regular graph constructed by T. Meixner and the Patterson graph. We investigate a more general situation, namely, requiring the graphs to have complete multipartite @m-graphs, and that the intersection number @a exists, which means that for a triple (x,y,z) of vertices in @C, such that x and y are adjacent and z is at distance 2 from x and y, the number @a(x,y,z) of common neighbours of x, y and z does not depend on the choice of a triple. The latter condition is satisfied by any 1-homogeneous graph. Let K"t"x"n denote the complete multipartite graph with t parts, each of which consists of an n-coclique. We show that if @C is a graph whose @m-graphs are all isomorphic to K"t"x"n and whose intersection number @a exists, then @a=t, as conjectured by Jurisic and Koolen, provided @a>=2. We also prove [email protected]?4, and that equality holds only when @C is the unique distance-regular graph 3.O"7(3).
J. Thas,et al.
General Galois geometries
A. Neumaier,et al.
Distance Regular Graphs
Jack H. Koolen,et al.
1-Homogeneous Graphs with Cocktail Party μ-Graphs
Hikoe Enomoto.
Characterization of families of finite permutation groups by the subdegrees. I
J. Thas,et al.
Finite Generalized Quadrangles
Aleksandar Jurišić,et al.
Distance-regular graphs with complete multipartite μ-graphs and AT4 family
Jacobus H. Koolen,et al.
Classification of the family AT4(qs, q, q) of antipodal tight graphs
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A.
S. A. Hobart,et al.
Triangular extended generalized quadrangles