An Experimental Study on Lateral Acceleration of Cars in Different Environments in Sichuan, Southwest China

In view of the tremendous improvements in the dynamic performance of automobiles and changes in the composition of drivers over the past several decades, it is valuable to examine the distribution of automobile’s lateral acceleration in new environments. The lateral accelerations, speeds, and trajectory curvatures of a passenger car on twelve highways with different design speeds and topographies were obtained. By synchronizing, matching, and counting, the distribution of the lateral acceleration was obtained, and the level of driving comfort was estimated. The , , , , and percentile values of the lateral acceleration on three road types (six-lane road, four-lane road, and two-lane road) were found. Combined with scatter diagrams of the lateral acceleration over the curvature, the negative correlation between the lateral acceleration and the curvature was analyzed and interpreted. In addition, regression models of the lateral acceleration with the curvature for the three kinds of roads were established. Based on scatter diagrams of the lateral acceleration over the speed, regression models of the average depending on the speed and the percentile depending on the speed of passenger cars and buses were established. The research provides calculation parameters and a control basis for operating speed prediction, pavement material design, and maximum and minimum limit value determination for the superelevation ratios and curve radii.