小电流接地系统单端行波故障定位新算法 A New Arithmetic of Single-Port Wavelet Fault Location for Small Current Grounding System

单端行波故障定位法以定位速度快,无需巡线,成本低,可以进行多次定位等优点,成为小电流接地系统中单相接地故障定位的有效方法之一。但是其定位精度容易受到多种因素的影响,尤其是受到行波的波速精度的影响,在行波理论的基础上提出一种不受行波波速影响的单端行波故障定位算法,理论推导结果表明,这种算法正确可靠。仿真结果表明,这种定位算法的精度优于传统的单端定位方法。 The single-port wavelet fault location has the merits that location speed is fast, it is not need inspect lines, low cost and may locate many times, so it is one of the effective methods of single-phase grounding fault location of small current grounding system. But its location precision is influenced by many factors, especially the speed precision of the wavelet. On the basis of wavelet theory, it proposes a new arithmetic of single-port wavelet fault location for small current grounding system which not influenced by the speed of wavelet. The result shows that the arithmetic is correct and the simulation result shows that the precision of this arithmetic is better than the traditional single-port wavelet fault location method.