Modelling of Tool Wear Based on Component Forces

AbstractPolynomial and exponential wear models of the joint effect of different combinations of component forces or ratios were fitted to determine the wear model that would give the best approximation of actual tool wear rates. Statistical analysis revealed the combination of force ratios: F1=Ff/Ft, F2=Fr/Ft and F4 = $$\sqrt {F_f^2 + F_r^2} / \sqrt {F_t^2 + F_f^2 + F_r^2}$$ to have the highest statistical significance with tool wear rate based on Fcal and r2 statistics for both polynomial and exponential models, with the latter giving the best approximation of the actual tool wear rates. A wear map was established using the exponential wear model of the force ratios for the machining of a nimonic C-263 nickel-base alloy with PVD TiN/TiCN/TiN-coated carbide insert grade.