A continuing focus of yellow fever in the Apurimac River Valley, Ayacucho, Peru, and the first isolation of yellow fever virus in that country.

Clinical sylvatic yellow fever (YF) in Peru may have been reported as early as 1913 by Rojas (I); however, the earliest known outbreak that has been reported was that cited by Giles and Pinto (2) as occurring in Chanchamayo (Junin Department) in 1925. It has also been shown that children living along the upper Amazon River in Brazil and Peru during 1931 had antibody to YF virus (3); and serologic surveys for antibody to YF virus in 19331934 in thesame general area indicated that the antibody prevalence increased with age10.6% of the study subjects under 15 years old being found with antibody to YF virus, as compared to 50.2 % of those 15 years and older (4). That this immunity was not due to infec-