A m ajor dom ain of e-governm ent research has been the exam ination of inform ation delivery to citizens. These services involve com m unications and transactions betw een governm ent, at various levels, and citizens. The rise of these services has led to a concurrent need to develop m odels of citizen satisfaction w ith e-governm ental services. This research aim s to contribute to this need by devising such a m odel—EGOVSAT—and using it to evaluate citizen satisfaction. This m odel includes various perform ance and em otional m easures. To explore its applicability , the m odel is applied to online Advanced Transportation Inform ation Sy stem s (A TIS), a f orm of governm ent-to-citizen online service delivery . This paper presents results of a statistical analy sis of an online survey conducted to evaluate A TIS initiatives in Los Angeles (n = 155) and Minneapolis/St. Paul (n = 246). Using structural equation m odeling, a highly statistically significant goodness-of-fit w as found for the EGOVSA T m odel, w hich included 11 m easures capturing three constructs (utility, efficiency, customization) as affecting four em otional dim ensions (confidence, pleasantness, frustration, satisfaction). These quantitative results w ere then supplem ented w ith qualitative f indings f rom three f ocus groups that w ere conducted w ith survey participants. The overall results suggest that there is value in utilizing a robust m easure of citizen satisfaction, such as m easured by EGOVSAT.
Fred D. Davis.
Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology
Richard G. Lomax,et al.
A Beginner's Guide to Structural Equation Modeling
Vivian Edmiston.
The Group Interview
D. West.
Digital Government: Technology and Public Sector Performance
Rex B. Kline,et al.
Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling
Peter M. Bentler,et al.
Causal Modeling via Structural Equation Systems
M. Patton,et al.
Qualitative evaluation and research methods
J. B. Brooke,et al.
SUS: A 'Quick and Dirty' Usability Scale