Receptive multilingualism : Linguistic analyses, language policies and didactic concepts

1. About the authors 2. Introduction (by Zeevaert, Ludger) 3. Part 1 Historical development of receptive multilingualism 4. 1. Receptive multilingualism in Northern Europe in the Middle Ages: A description of a scenario (by Braunmuller, Kurt) 5. 2. Linguistic diversity in Habsburg Austria as a model for modern European language policy (by Schjerve-Rindler, Rosita) 6. Part 2 Receptive multilingualism in discourse 7. 3. Receptive multilingualism in Dutch-German intercultural team cooperation (by Ribbert, Anne) 8. 4. Receptive multilingualism and inter-Scandinavian semicommunication (by Zeevaert, Ludger) 9. 5. Receptive multilingualism in Switzerland and the case of Biel/Bienne (by Werlen, Iwar) 10. 6. The Swiss model of plurilingual communication (by Ludi, Georges) 11. 7. Receptive multilingualism in business discourses (by Dresemann, Bettina) 12. 8. Speaker stances in native and non-native English conversation: I + verb constructions (by Baumgarten, Nicole) 13. Part 3 Testing mutual understanding in receptive multilingual communication 14. 9. Understanding differences in inter-Scandinavian language understanding (by Doetjes, Gerard) 15. 10. Scandinavian intercomprehension today (by Delsing, Lars-Olof) 16. Part 4 Determining the possibilities of reading comprehension in related languages 17. 11. Interlingual text comprehension: Linguistic and extralinguistic determinants (by Bezooijen, Renee van) 18. 12. Processing levels in foreign-language reading (by Lutjeharms, Madeline) 19. 13. A computer-based exploration of the lexical possibilities of intercomprehension: Finding German cognates of Dutch words (by Moller, Robert) 20. 14. How can DaFnE and EuroComGerm contribute to the concept of receptive multilingualism? Theoretical and practical considerations (by Hufeisen, Britta) 21. Name index 22. Subject index