Technical advances in VLSI fabrication have pushed the device size to the submicron region, making the circuits more susceptible t o high energy particles. Therefore, the need for studying the effects of single event upsets (SEUs) due t o a-particles on system level operation in aerospace applications is greater than ever before, especially for critical systems. Since an a-particle initially produces electrical level effects, electrical level simulators need to be used for accuracy reasons. However, simulating a system a t the electrical level is prohibitively time consuming. A high level simulator would be much faster, but i t requires a high level model of the SEUs. The primary goal of this paper is to present a methodology for developing a latch-level model of SEUs to be used in a high level simulat,or. T h e methodology consists of two stages: the first stage involves modeling the behavior of the latches t o transient pulses, and the second st.age involves a gate-level timing simulator t o propagate a given a-particle hit t o the lat,ches. Using this met,hodology, latch flip distributions are obtained for a set. of benchmark circuits. The dist,ributions show the need for mult,iple-bit error injections in system level validation.
David Bryan,et al.
Combinational profiles of sequential benchmark circuits
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,.
Elizabeth M. Rudnick,et al.
A fast and accurate gate-level transient fault simulation environment
FTCS-23 The Twenty-Third International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing.
Resve Saleh,et al.
Simulation and analysis of transient faults in digital circuits
S. Davidson,et al.
Sequential Circuit Test Generator (STG) benchmark results
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,.
Resve Saleh,et al.
Simulation techniques for mixed analog/digital circuits
G. C. Messenger,et al.
Collection of Charge on Junction Nodes from Ion Tracks
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.
Janak H. Patel,et al.
A logic-level model for /spl alpha/-particle hits in CMOS circuits
Proceedings of 1993 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design ICCD'93.