Probability and probabilistic causality

Volume 1: Introduction P. Humphreys. Part I: Probability. Some Contributions to Formal Theory of Probability K. Popper, D. Miller. Elementary Non-Archimedean Representations of Probability for Decision Theory and Games P.J. Hammond. Random Sequences and Hypotheses Tests R. Chuaqui. Changing Probability Judgements I. Levi. Upper and Lower Probability T.L. Fine. Some Connections between Epistemic Logic and the Theory of Nonadditive Probability P. Mongin. On the Properties of Conditional Independence W. Spohn. Qualitative Probabilities Revisited Z. Domotor. The Monks' Vote: a Dialogue on Unidimensional Probabilistic Geometry J.-C. Falmagne. Part II: Probabilistic Causality. Probabilistic Causation without Probability P.W. Holland. Causal Tendency, Necessitivity and Sufficientivity: an Updated Review I.J. Good. Practical Causal Generalizations E.W. Adams. In Place of Regression C. Glymour, P. Spirtes, R. Scheines. Testing Probabilistic Causality D. Costantini. Psychologistic Aspects of Suppes' Definition of Causality P. Legrenzi, M. Sonino. Name Index. Subject Index. Volume 2: Part III: Philosophy of Physics. Probability and Quantum Theory B. Loewer. Schrodinger's Version of EPR, and its Problems A. Fine. Classical Field Magnitudes J. Vuillemin. Quantity, Representation and Geometry B. Mundy. Numerical Experimentation P. Humphreys. Part IV: Theory Structure. Theories and Theoretical Models R. Wojcicki. Suppes Predicates and the Construction of Unsolvable Problems in the Axiomatized Sciences N.C.A. da Costa, F.A. Doria. Structural Explanation J.D. Sneed. Part V: Measurement Theory. Fifteen Problems concerning the Representational Theory of Measurement R.D. Luce, L. Narens. The Meaningfulness of Ordinal Comparisons for General Order Relational Systems F.S. Roberts, Z.S. Rosenbaum. Theories as Nets: the Case of Combinatorial Measurement Theory C.U. Moulines, J.A. Diez. Name Index. Subject Index. Volume 3: Part VI: Philosophy of Language and Logic. Patrick Suppes' Contribution to the Philosophy of Language D. Follesdal. Open Problems in Relational Grammar M. Bottner. A Variable-Free Logic for Anaphora W.C. Purdy. Is Snow White? J. Moravcsik. Can there be Reasons for Putting Limitations on Classical Logic? P. Weingartner. Quantum Logic as a Logic of Identification J. Hintikka, I. Halonen. Logic and Probability in Quantum Mechanics M.L. dalla Chiara, R. Giuntini. Part VII: Learning Theory, Action Theory, and Robotics. From Stimulus-Sampling to Array-Similarity Theory W.K. Estes. Action as Seeing to it that Something is the Case R. Tuomela, G. Sandu. Command Satisfaction and the Acquisition of Habits C. Crangle. Part VIII: General Philosophy of Science. Some Observations on Patrick Suppes' Philosophy of Science M.C. Galavotti. Epilogue. Postscript P. Suppes. Chronological and Topical Bibliography of Patrick Suppes' Publications. Name Index. Subject Index.