Study of bivalves infauna in mangrove ecosystems of Rigaih in Aceh Jaya

Bivalves Infauna is a Bivalve that lives in the bottom of the waters, including in the waters of the Rigaih mangrove ecosystem in Setia Bakti District, Aceh Jaya Regency, Aceh Province. The aim of the study was to analyze the population of Bivalve Infauna, analyze the dominance of the Bivalvia Infauna population and analyze the bottom substrate of each Bivalvia Infauna population in the waters of the Mangrove Ecosystem in Setia Bakti District, Aceh Jaya Regency, Aceh Province. The research activity was carried out in April and May 2019. The population of Bivalves Infauna used a destructive sampling method. Bivalves infauna dominance data were analyzed by dominance index, while population and environmental conditions were analyzed descriptively. The results of the study indicated that the population of Bivalves infauna in the waters of the mangrove ecosystem in the study area was Anadaragranosa, Geloinaerosa, and Dosinia sp. The dominance index of the population of Anadaragranosa.67, Geloinaerosa is 0.22, and the index of dominance of Dosiniasp is 0.11. The results also show that the environmental conditions of the substrate are sand, mud and clay. Correspondingly, the study shows that there are three populations of Bivalve Infauna that dominate the ecosystem, namely Anadara granosa and found three bottom substrates in the ecosystem studied.