Microcomputer Programs CONWEP and FUNPRO, Applications of TM 5-855-1, 'Fundamentals of Protective Design for Conventional Weapons' (User's Guide)

Abstract : This user's guide documents two computer programs that supplement the recently revised Army Technical Manual TM 5-855-1. FunPro allows the user to display and scroll through the text of the manual, search for key words and/or phrases, display the curves and illustrations on a microcomputer monitor and produce hard copies, and retrieve data points from curves. ConWep performs a variety of conventional weapons effects calculations, including an assortment of airblast routines, fragment and projectile penetrations, cratering, and ground shock. In their current configuration, the programs will run on commonly available desktop microcomputers using Microsoft's Disk Operating System (DOS) version 2.1 or a later version. Both programs are capable of producing graphic output on a microcomputer equipped with a Color Graphics Adapter, an Enhanced Graphics Adapter, or any pen plotter supporting the Hewlett Packard Graphics Language. Keywords: ConWep(Conventional Weapons Effects); Explosion effects; FunPro(Fundamentals of Protective Design); Projectile damage; Weapons effects; Computer programs. (edc)