EURORA: a European architecture toward exascale

EURORA stands for EURopean many integrated cORe Architecture and it is a prototype architecture co-designed by CINECA and EUROTECH, and partially founded by PRACE 2IP project[1]. EURORA design target highly efficient cooling system (hot water) high density and sustainable TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) and, at the same time, allowing high throughput and high scalability for popular European scientific applications. EURORA will serve to evaluate system metrics related to the system efficiency such as PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness), Floating point operations per second per Watt (Flops/Watt), with the aim of envisage new, cost effective, power constrained, architectural solutions for the exaflops architectures of tomorrow. Moreover EURORA allow the porting and testing of an optimized subset of MPI library calls able to cope with both 3D torus interconnect primitives and MIC communication primitives.