Synthetic Cross-language Information Retrieval Training Data

A key stumbling block for neural cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) systems has been the paucity of training data. The appearance of the MS MARCO monolingual training set led to significant advances in the state of the art in neural monolingual retrieval. By translating the MS MARCO documents into other languages using machine translation, this resource has been made useful to the CLIR community. Yet such translation suffers from a number of problems. While MS MARCO is a large resource, it is of fixed size; its genre and domain of discourse are fixed; and the translated documents are not written in the language of a native speaker of the language, but rather in translationese. To address these problems, we introduce the JH-POLO CLIR training set creation methodology. The approach begins by selecting a pair of non-English passages. A generative large language model is then used to produce an English query for which the first passage is relevant and the second passage is not relevant. By repeating this process, collections of arbitrary size can be created in the style of MS MARCO but using naturally-occurring documents in any desired genre and domain of discourse. This paper describes the methodology in detail, shows its use in creating new CLIR training sets, and describes experiments using the newly created training data.

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