A shader-based parallel rendering framework

Existing parallel or remote rendering solutions rely on communicating pixels, OpenGL commands, scene-graph changes or application-specific data. We propose an intermediate solution based on a set of independent graphics primitives that use hardware shaders to specify their visual appearance. Compared to an OpenGL based approach, it reduces the complexity of the model by eliminating most fixed function parameters while giving access to the latest functionalities of graphics cards. It also suppresses the OpenGL state machine that creates data dependencies making primitive re-scheduling difficult. Using a retained-mode communication protocol transmitting changes between each frame, combined with the possibility to use shaders to implement interactive data processing operations instead of sending final colors and geometry, we are able to optimize the network load. High level information such as bounding volumes is used to setup advanced schemes where primitives are issued in parallel, routed according to their visibility, merged and re-ordered when received for rendering. Different optimization algorithms can be efficiently implemented, saving network bandwidth or reducing texture switches for instance. We present performance results based on two VTK applications, a parallel iso-surface extraction and a parallel volume renderer. We compare our approach with Chromium. Results show that our approach leads to significantly better performance and scalability, while offering easy access to hardware accelerated rendering algorithms.

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