The second assessment of the SCOOT system in Nijmegen

The implementation and first assessment of the SCOOT system in Nijmegen have been discussed by Middelham et al. (1994) and again Middelham et al. (1995). The implementation of the system was successful, bringing 40 intersections under SCOOT control. The first assessment showed that the SCOOT system was not better or worse than the old, fixed-time, coordinated control plans, in terms of travel time, stops and queue lengths. One of the conclusions was that for some links the estimation of delay by SCOOT differed significantly from the measured delay. For these reasons the Transport Research Centre of the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management decided, for a reduced part of the network, to validate and assess the SCOOT system for the second time. The work was commissioned to Witteveen+Bos Consulting Engineers in Deventer. In this paper the second validation and assessment are described, results are given and conclusions are drawn.