도시형자기부상열차 용품의 기술기준 개발 및 시험규격 정비를 위한 형식승인 대상용품 설정 연구

The revision of the Railway Safety Act, the existing certification system has been reorganized into type approval system of railway vehicle supplies for reliability / safety of the railway. Technical standards / test standard of railway vehicle supplies due to this are under development. However, the absence of a magnetic levitation train supplies of type approval subject of railway equipment, the future, the need for test standards development research and technical standards for supplies for the introduction of urban railway, which is commercialization of urban magnetic levitation train in Japan but it is on the rise. Therefore, in this study, for the detailed specifications of the magnetic levitation train supplies and technical standards of railway supplies of domestic, on the basis of the comparison · analysis of the items in the technical standards, the target of the type approval of urban magnetic levitation train supplies I introduce the research content of the setting.