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F. Kirwan.
Partial desingularisations of quotients of nonsingular varieties and their Betti numbers
B. Geemen,et al.
Siegel modular forms vanishing on the moduli space of curves
R. Griess.
Quotients of infinite reflection groups
S. Ishii.
Moduli Space of Polarized del Pezzo Surfaces and its Compactification
Yung-sheng Tai.
On the Kodaira dimension of the moduli space of abelian varieties
V. Danilov.
C. Procesi,et al.
A characteristic free approach to invariant theory
V. Šokurov,et al.
The Noether-Enriques Theorem on Canonical Curves
G. Timms.
The nodal cubic surfaces and the surfaces from which they are derived by projection
F. Schottky.
Über die Moduln der Thetafunctionen
E. H. Moore.
The Cross-Ratio Group of n! Cremona Transformations of Order n - 3 in Flat Space of n - 3 Dimensions
P. Slodowy.
A character approach to Looijenga's invariant theory for generalized root systems
Ryuji Sasaki.
Modular forms vanishing at the reducible points of the Siegel upper-half space.
H. Pinkham,et al.
Resolution simultanee de points doubles rationnels
I. G. MacDonald,et al.
Symmetric functions and Hall polynomials
Joe W. Harris,et al.
Principles of Algebraic Geometry
Jun-ichi Igusa,et al.
Equations Defining Abelian Varieties
D. Mumford.
Theta characteristics of an algebraic curve
M. Artin.
On Enriques' surfaces
P. D. Val,et al.
On the Kantor Group of a Set of Points in a Plane
J. H. G..
A Treatise on the Line Complex
S. Kántor.
Theorie der endlichen Gruppen von eindeutigen Transformationen in der Ebene
G. Halphen.
Sur les courbes planes du sixième degré à neuf points doubles