The Tzutujil Mayas: Continuity and Change, 1250-1630. By Sandra Orellana. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1984. Pp. 304. Illustrations. Maps. Index. $32.50.)

Although very different in culture, the Quiche are to Guatemala what the Aztecs are to Mexico, and the two groups have dominated their respective countries as foci of ethnohistorical research for many years. In Mexico, the Aztec bias is gradually being rectified with the appearance of such widely recognized work as that of Spores (1967), Taylor (1972) and Farriss (1984). The situation is quite different in Guatemala, where ethnohistorical research on the Quiche notably that of Carmack (1981) has quickened and intensified in recent years. In that context, Sandra Orellana's new book on the Tzutujil neighbors of the Quiche represents a significant departure from current trends in Guatemalan ethnohistory.