Recent additions of armor have made light tactical vehicle turrets heavy enough that mechanical assistance is required for them to rotate. The Army’s solution is the Battery Powered Motorized Traversing Unit (BPMTU) which uses a joystick to traverse the turret. Use of the joystick distracts the gunner and prevents the gunner from continuously engaging the target while rotating the turret. This paper presents a modification to the weapon mount that allows the turret to be controlled by the position of the weapon itself and emphasizes the design process used to develop the inovation. With this design, the gunner can now maintain contact with a target, while rotating the turret, without fiddling with the joystick. The Weapon Activated and Controlled Turret (WACT) consists of two primary components; the bottom component is stationary relative to the turret and contains a Hall effect sensor and the top component rotates with the weapon and holds a linear magnet. As the position of the sensor relative to the magnet changes, the corresponding strength of the magnetic field also varies. This change in magnetic force induces a similar response in the output voltage of the Hall effect sensor, effectively translating rotational motion into an electric signal able to control the turret motor.