Tables of the Non-Central t-Distribution.
s for all meetings of the Society should be sent to the American Mathematical Society, 190 Hope St., Providence 6, R. I. SUMMER MEETING, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA, August 2630, 1957. Abstracts must be received not later than July 12. Professor N. E. Steenrodwill deliver the Colloquium Lectures on Cohomology operations, and obstructions to extending continuous functions. By invitation of the Committee to Select Hour Speakers for Western Sectional Meetings there will be an address by A. P. Calderón entitled Singular integrals and differential equations.s must be received not later than July 12. Professor N. E. Steenrodwill deliver the Colloquium Lectures on Cohomology operations, and obstructions to extending continuous functions. By invitation of the Committee to Select Hour Speakers for Western Sectional Meetings there will be an address by A. P. Calderón entitled Singular integrals and differential equations. WASHINGTON, D. C , October 26, 1957. Abstracts must be received not later than September 12. By invitation of the Committee to Select Hour Speakers for Eastern Sectional Meetings there will be an address by Professor W. H. Gottschalk entitled Minimal sets: an introduction to topological dynamics.s must be received not later than September 12. By invitation of the Committee to Select Hour Speakers for Eastern Sectional Meetings there will be an address by Professor W. H. Gottschalk entitled Minimal sets: an introduction to topological dynamics. J. W. GREEN, Secretary of the Society GEORGE BANTA COMPANY» I N C , MENASHA, WISCONSIN