Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization Based on P Systems for Applications in the Economic Operation of Micro-grid

The strategies of economy micro-grid are made based on the mathematical model of wind turbines (WT), photovoltaic (PV), fuel cells (FC), micro gas turbine (MT), and other types of distributed power. And the optimization model is built by considering the costs of power generation, pollution control, operation and maintenance, and so on. The quantum particle swarm optimization which is based on P system (QPSOPS) is proposed in this paper according to the model and it is implemented using MATLAB programming. Not only the conversion operations from serial to parallel are achieved, but also the convergence speed and accuracy are improved in the algorithm. The results of QPSOPS and QPSO algorithm are compared in this paper through a micro-grid example. The results show that the QPSOPS algorithm has advantages of high accuracy, fast convergence, which can reduce the running costs of micro-grid and realize the economic operation of micro-grid.