Lasers, Clocks and Drag-Free Control

Part I Surveys: Fundamental Physics, Space, Missions and Technologies -- Claus Lammerzahl, Hansjorg Dittus General Theory of Relativity: Will it Survive the Next Decade? -- Orfeu Bertolami, Jorge Paramos, Slava G. Turyshev Is the Physics Within the Solar System Really Understood? -- Claus Lammerzahl, Oliver Preuss, Hansjorg Dittus Part II Theory Propagation of Light in the Gravitational Field of Binary Systems to Quadratic Order in Newton's Gravitational Constant -- Gerhard Schafer and Michael H. Brugmann On the Radar Method in General-Relativistic Spacetimes -- Volker Perlick A Universal Tool for Determining the Time Delay and the Frequency Shift of Light: Synge's World Function -- Pierre Teyssandier, Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte, Bernard Linet Unified Formula for Comparison of Clock Rates and its Applications -- C. Xu, X. Wu, and E. Bruning Gravity Tests and the Pioneer Anomaly -- Marc-Thierry Jaekel, Serge Reynaud Laser Ranging Delay in the Bi-Metric Theory of Gravity -- Sergei M. Kopeikin, Wei-Tou Ni Part III Technologies Measurement of the Shapiro Time Delay Between Drag-free Spacecraft -- Neil Ashby, Peter L. Bender Laser Transponders for High Accuracy Interplanetary Laser Ranging and Time Transfer -- John J. Degnan Unequal-arm Interferometry and Ranging in Space -- Massimo Tinto Technology for Precision Gravity Measurements -- RobertD. Reasenberg and J.D. Phillips Clocks and accelerometers for space tests of fundamental physics -- Lute Maleki, James M. Kohel, Nathan E. Lundblad, John D. Prestage, Robert J. Thompson, and Nan Yu Atom Interferometric Inertial Sensors for Space Applications -- Philippe Bouyer, Franck Pereira dos Santos, Arnaud Landragin and Christian J. Borde Drag-Free Satellite Control -- Stephan Theil Drag-free Control Design with Cubic Test Masses -- Walter Fichter, AlexanderSchleicher, Stefano Vitale Solar Sail Propulsion: An Enabling Technology for Fundamental Physics Missions -- Bernd Dachwald, Wolfgang Seboldt, Claus Lammerzahl Part IV Missions and Projects Testing Relativity with Space Astrometry Missions -- Sergei A. Klioner LISA, the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, requires the ultimate in Lasers, Clocks, and Drag-Free Control -- Albrecht Rudiger, Gerhard Heinzel, and Michael Trobs Lunar Laser Ranging Contributions to Relativity and Geodesy -- Jurgen Muller, James G. Williams, Slava G. Turyshev Science, Technology and Mission Design for the Laser Astrometric Test Of Relativity -- Slava G. Turyshev, Michael Shao, Kenneth L. Nordtvedt, Jr. LATOR's Measured Science Parameters and Mission Configuration -- Kenneth Nordtvedt OPTIS - High Precision Tests of Special and General Relativity in Space -- Claus Lammerzahl, Hansjorg Dittus, Achim Peters, Silvia Scheithauer, Stephan Schiller Testing Relativistic Gravity to One Part per Billion -- Wei-Tou Ni, Antonio Pulido Paton, and Yan Xia Exploring the Pioneer Anomaly: Concept Considerations for a Deep Space Gravity Probe Based on Laser Controlled Free Flying Reference Masses -- Ulrich Johann, Hansjorg Dittus, Claus Lammerzahl Pioneer Anomaly: What Can We Learn from LISA? -- Denis Defrere, Andreas Rathke