基于一个新的五维离散混沌的快速图像加密算法 (Fast Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Novel Five Dimensional Discrete Chaos)

朱淑芹 李俊青 葛广英 (聊城大学计算机学院 聊城252059) (聊城大学物理科学与信息工程学院 聊城252059) 摘 要 结合Logistic映射和三维离散Lorenz映射,构造了一个新的五维离散混沌映射。基于该映射,提出了一个 只有两轮扩散操作的图像加密算法,在第一轮扩散操作中的密钥流与明文相关,在第二轮扩散操作中的密钥流与第一 轮的密文相关,这导致算法中的最终加密密钥与明文相关且密文与明文、密钥之间的关系复杂化。实验结果和安全性 分析表明,该算法具有密钥空间大、密文图像统计特性良好、密文对明文和密钥非常敏感、抵抗选择明(密)文 的 攻 击、 加密速度快的优点。所提算法在图像保密通信和存储应用中将具有良好的应用前景。 关键词 五维离散混沌,图像加密,两轮扩散,抵抗选择明(密)文的攻击 中图法分类号 TP391 文献标识码 A Fast Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Novel Five Dimensional Discrete Chaos ZHU Shu-qin LI Jun-qing GE Guang-ying (School of Computer Science,Liaocheng University,Liaocheng 252059,China) (School of Physics and Information Engineering,Liaocheng University,Liaocheng 252059,China) Abstract Combining the Logistic mapping and 3Ddiscrete Lorenz mapping,a new five dimensional discrete chaotic map was constructed.Based on the map,an image encryption algorithm with only two rounds of diffusion operation was proposed.In the first round of the diffusion operation,the key stream is related to the plaintext and the key stream in the second round diffusion operation is related to the ciphertext of first round.Therefore,the final encryption key of the algorithm is related to the plaintext and the relationship among ciphertext,plain text and key becomes complicated.Experimental results and security analysis show that the algorithm has a large key space,good statistical characteristics for ciphertext,high sensitiveness for ciphertext to plaintext and key,resistance to chosen plaintext and ciphertext,fast encryption speed.So,this algorithm has good application prospects in image secure communication and storage applications.