Reduced order modeling techniques for numerical homogenization methods applied to linear and nonlinear multiscale problems

Keywords: multiscale method ; reduced basis ; homogenization ; finite element ; adaptivity ; goal oriented ; nonlinear problems These Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne EPFL, n° 5922 (2013)Programme doctoral MathematiquesFaculte des sciences de baseInstitut de mathematiques des sciences computationnelles et ingenierieChaire d'analyse numerique et mathematiques computationnellesJury: F. Eisenbrand (president), S. Bartels, B. Engquist, A. Quarteroni Public defense: 2013-9-20 Reference doi:10.5075/epfl-thesis-5922Print copy in library catalog Record created on 2013-09-09, modified on 2017-05-12