Towards the Effective e-Government: Implementation of Balanced Scorecard in Public Sector

Effective e-government presupposes proper application of information and communications technology as well as an effective management system. One of management methods is management by organizational performance measurement. Organizational performance can be measured for a number of purposes, the most significant of which is measurement for organizational management, as it is through this measurement that the realization of organizational goals can be successfully monitored. Management methodology, which has virtually become a synonym for management by performance measurement, is referred to as the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology. Since its introduction in 1991, numerous approaches to developing strategic maps of goals and corresponding measures (known as the BSC model) have been devised as a means of transforming the organizational vision and strategy into a concrete set of activities. For this model to be successfully implemented and effectively applied in public sector organizations, the following four preconditions are indispensable: (1) guidelines and strategic goals sent by the government to state and public organizations need to be clear and unambiguous ; (2) a public organization's management needs to have an insight into the application of the BSC method and partly change their managerial habits ; (3) operative procedures of the application of the BSC method in an organization need to be clearly defined ; (4) an organization needs to have a central information system (IS) to which the application/software that the BSC model is to be implemented in will be connected.