Characterization of the Electron Beam from the THz-Driven Gun for AXSIS

The AXSIS (Attosecond X ray Science: Imaging and Spectroscopy) project aims for development of a compact, fully coherent, THz driven, attosecond X ray source. A compact THz driven gun was developed, produced and tested as a source of the ultra short electron bunches required for the project. To characterize the low energy, low charge beam produced by such a gun tailored diagnostic devices were developed and commissioned at a test stand chamber in CFEL (DESY). Results of the first experiments on the production and characterization of the electron beam are presented. Characterization of the Electron Beam from the THz Driven Gun for AXSIS. MOPIK006 Introduction The AXSIS project (Attosecond X ray Science, Imaging and Spectroscopy) is foreseen to provide a fully coherent attosecond X ray radiation. This radiation will be used for 3D imaging and spectroscopy for the structural biology problems. The fully coherent attosecond X ray will be provided by inverse Compton scattering of a laser beam on an electron bunch accelerated in the AXSIS linac. The experiment will use a dielectric loaded waveguide to accelerate e bunches up to 15 MeV. In the frame of the project it is planned to use a THz driven electron gun. For the first experiments a THz driven gun capable of delivering 25 keV electron energies was developed and tested at DESY CFEL. In order to characterize the electron beam from this gun, diagnostics capable of detecting low energy, low charge electron beam are required. Horn gun design and simulation