Electrochemical characterization of microbial bioanodes formed on a collector/electrode system in a highly saline electrolyte.

Bioanodes were formed with electrodes made of carbon felt and equipped with a titanium electrical collector, as commonly used in microbial fuel cells. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) performed on the abiotic electrode system evidenced two time constants, one corresponding to the "collector/carbon felt" contact, the other to the "carbon felt/solution" interface. Such a two time constant system was characteristics of the two-material electrode, independent of biofilm presence. EIS was then performed during the bioanode formation around the constant applied potential of 0.1 V/SCE. The equivalent electrical model was similar to that of the abiotic system. Due to the high salinity of the electrolyte (45 g·L(-1) NaCl) the electrolyte resistance was always very low. The bioanode development induced kinetic heterogeneities that were taken into account by replacing the pure capacitance of the abiotic system by a constant phase element for the "carbon felt/solution" interface. The current increase from 0 to 20.6 A·m(-2) was correlated to the considerable decrease of the charge transfer resistance of the "carbon felt/solution" interface from 2.4 10(4) to 92 Ω·cm(2). Finally, EIS implemented at 0.4 V/SCE showed that the limitation observed at high potential values was not related to mass transfer but to a biofilm-linked kinetics.

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