디젤기관에서 바이오디젤유 사용시 기관성능 및 배기배출물 특성에 미치는 분사시기의 영향
Biodiesel fuel(BDF) which is easily produced from vegetable oils such as soybean oil and rice bran oil can be effectively used as an alternative fuel in diesel engine. However, BDF can affect the performance and emissions in diesel engine because it has different chemical and physical properties from diesel fuel. To investigate the effects of injection timing on the characteristics of performance and emissions with BDF in IDI diesel engine, BDF derived from rice bran oil was considered in this study. The engine was operated at six different injection timings and six loads at a single engine speed of 2000rpm. When the injection timing was retarded. better results were obtained, thus confirming the advantage of BDF. The reduction of NOx and smoke was observed for a 2°retarded injection timing without any sacrifice of BSEC