IGOR, Get Me the Optimum! Prioritizing Important Design Decisions During the DSE of Embedded Systems

Design Space Exploration (DSE) techniques for complex embedded systems must cope with a huge variety of applications and target architectures as well as a wide spectrum of objectives and constraints. In particular, existing design automation approaches are either problem-independent, in that they do not exploit any knowledge about the optimization problem at hand, or are tailored to specific a priori assumptions about the problem and/or a specific set of design objectives. While the latter are only applicable within a very limited scope of design problems, the former may struggle to deliver high-quality solutions for problems with large design spaces and/or complex design objectives. As a remedy, we propose Importance-Guided Order Rearrangement (IGOR) as a novel approach for DSE of embedded systems. Instead of relying on an a priori problem knowledge, IGOR uses a machine-learning-inspired technique to dynamically analyze the importance of design decisions, i.e., the impact that these decisions—within the specific problem that is being optimized—have on the quality of explored problem solutions w.r.t. the given design objectives. Throughout the DSE, IGOR uses this information to guide the optimization towards the most promising regions of the design space. Experimental results for a variety of applications from different domains of embedded computing and for different optimization scenarios give evidence that the proposed approach is both scalable and adaptable, as it can be used for the optimization of systems described by several thousands constraints, where it outperforms both problem-specific and problem-independent optimization approaches and achieves ϵ-dominance improvements of up to 95%.

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