Developing Writers: Pilot and Field Test of a School-Level Portfolio Writing Program Self-Study Process.

Since 1991-92, student writing portfolios have been part of Kentucky's high-stakes performance-based assessment. A study of schools with continuously improving or continuously declining writing portfolio scores led to identification of 36 indicators of successful writing programs. These indicators were used to develop a comprehensive needs assessment instrument, to be used in a school self-evaluation involving all stakeholders. This paper describes the pilot test and field test of the instrument, the School Study of Writing Instruction. The pilot test was carried out in a small K-6 school in western Kentucky and was deemed successful due to faculty participation and sense of ownership and the steering committee's customizing of the instrument. The results generated 18 recommendations and 22 proposed revisions. The field test was conducted in 11 primarily rural and small-town schools. The revised instrument involved a process in four steps: interviewing administrators, students, and teachers using questions related to the 36 quality indicators; writing a report profiling the school; rating the school on the indicators; and setting priorities for improvement. Five schools were assigned an external facilitator. Overall, conclusions about the self-study process were positive. Most schools completed the study to a satisfactory point and believed the effort to be worthwhile. The time required was a concern, but f=^ilitatnr aqqiqtalloP was highly beneficial. The instrument was generally valid and reliable, but may be improved with various adjustments. Appendices contain statistical data tables and a time and task summary. (Contains 30 references.) (SV) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. Developing Writers: Pilot and Field Test of a School-Level Portfolio Writing Program Self-Study Process by: Merrill L. Meehan, AEL, Inc. Paige Parrish, AEL, Inc. Marian Keyes, AEL, Inc. Sandra Orletsky, AEL, Inc. Pamelia Coe, AEL, Inc. Starr Lewis, Kentucky Department of Education Julie Whitaker, Kentucky Department of Education Claudia Runge, Education Consultant Shannon Tolbert, Education Consultant