Threshold of polarization instability for solitons in birefringent fibers

The threshold of polarization instability for solitons in birefringent fibers has been calculated analytically. The problem was studied when the polarization state of the soliton is oriented along one principal axis and the polarization state of the perturbation is oriented along the other. The instability threshold corresponds to the soliton field intensity which causes the exponential growing of the perturbation. We have shown for the first time that this problem can be solved exactly under the assumption that the influence of group velocity difference between the soliton and the perturbation on the instability threshold is negligible. Analytical expression has been obtained for the threshold of the soliton instability and its duration. The polarization instability increment near threshold has also been calculated. It was shown that obtained analytical expression are valid under a wide range of birefringent values. On the basis of these expressions, the general analysis of soliton propagation in birefringent fibers has been made and estimations of the instability threshold have been made. The results of this work can be used for the study of ultrafast all optical switching as well as for the analyses of soliton propagation in optical fibers.