A low-cost design approach for Time Division Multiplexed (TDM) fiber-optic interferometric interrogation of multi-channel sensor arrays is presented. This paper describes the evolutionary design process of the subject design. First, the requisite elements of interferometric interrogation are defined for a single channel sensor. The concept is then extended to multi-channel sensor interrogation implementing a TDM multiplex scheme where “traditional” design elements are utilized. The cost of the traditional TDM interrogator is investigated and concluded to be too high for entry into many markets. A new design approach is presented which significantly reduces the cost for TDM interrogation. This new approach, in accordance with the cost objectives, shows promise to bring this technology to within the threshold of commercial acceptance for a wide range of distributed fiber sensing applications.
Clay K. Kirkendall,et al.
Overview of high performance fibre-optic sensing
C. Kirkendall,et al.
Overview of high performance fiber optic sensing
CLEO 2002.
D. W. Stowe,et al.
Polarization Fading in Fiber Interferometric Sensors
Henry F. Taylor,et al.
Distributed fiber optic pressure/seismic sensor for low-cost monitoring of long perimeters
SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing.
R. Posey,et al.
Strain sensing based on coherent Rayleigh scattering in an optical fibre
Thomas G. Giallorenzi,et al.
Polarization effects on single‐mode optical fiber sensors