Rediscovery of the classic locality of Callovian in Babiarzowa
Red-coloured laminated wackestones to packstones of the filament (Bositra-like) microfacies occurring within crinoidal limestones of the Smolegowa Limestone Formation in the Babiarzowa Klippe (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians) represent infilling of subhorizontal neptunian dyke of Callovian age. The locality is well-known in geological literature as it yielded the rich fossil assemblage of Callovian age (ammonites, gastropods, pelecypods, brachiopods and others) described by Uhlig (1878, 1881). 12 Tomy Jurajskie, tom III gical literature, but it has never been revised. Thus, the rediscovery of the section with the fauna in question in the Babiarzowa Klippe by our team last year, is of significance for palaeontological and regional palaeogeographical studies in the Pieniny Klippen Belt. Our field research (in an artificial trench) resulted in the discovery of three thin red limestone beds (in total 0.3 m in thickness) with aboundant invertebrate macrofauna (fig. 2). These beds are underlain and overlain by white crinoidal limestones of the Smolegowa Limestone Formation (Bajocian in age – Birkenmajer 1977; Krobicki & Wierzbowski 2004). The red limestone beds are finely laminated with numerous traces of bioturbation. From the microfacies point of view the limestones are filamentous wackestones to packstones. Apart from thin Bositra-like shells, there are numerous crinoid and bivalve fragments, smooth-shell ostracods and benthic foraminifers. Juvenile gastropods and ammonites, aptychi fragments, echinoid spines, bryozoans and silicisponges are less common. Some laminae are graded (fig. 3A) and rich in crinoid ossicles. It is important to note the presence of cavity-dwelling ostracods Pokornyopsis (fig. 3B) which are known to occur in different types of submarine cavity infillings, such as neptunian dykes, but missing, or extremely rare, in normal sea-bottom sediments (see Aubrecht & Kozur 1995). The general character of the macrofauna discovered in the red limestones in Babiarzowa Klippe is also remarkable: it consists of smallsized specimens – mostly ammonites, gastropods, bivalves and brachiopods. The preservation of Fig. 1. Location map with position of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (A – grey) and the Babiarzowa section (B, C). Fig. 2. Fragment of limestone bed with numerous invertebrate fauna. A
[1] A. Wierzbowski,et al. Stratigraphic position of the Bajocian crinoidal limestones and their palaeogeographic significance in evolution of the Pieniny Klippen Basin , 2004 .
[2] V. Uhlig. Ueber die Fauna des rothen Kellowaykalkes der Penninischen Klippe Babierzówka bei Neumarkt im West-galizien , 1881 .