An Anthropometric study on Kinanthropometry and motor fitness among Kho- Kho Players

The purpose of this research was to establish the relationship between kinanthropometry and motor fitness and kho-kho playing abilities. One hundred and forty five women players were selected from the students of Pondicherry University during the South Zone kho-kho tournament. Playing ability was measured with the help of three kho-kho experts; kinanthopometric measurements such as height, weight, leg length and arm length were measured with the help of the ISAK guideline manual; and among motor fitness abilities, agility was measured by 40-m shuttle run, leg explosive power by standing broad jump, flexibility by sit and reach test, and muscular endurance was measured by knee bent sit–up test. The kho-kho playing ability was assessed by three well qualified and experienced experts. There were high correlations existing between playing abilities with Agility (r = 0.63), Explosive leg Power (r = 0.59), Muscular endurance (r = 0.39).