Due to the structural change and the globalization of the construction markets [Russig et al. 1996] in reaction to the tense earnings situation of the construction industry, at both German-speaking and international level, both construction engineering practice and research are striving to industrialize construction production processes ([Girmscheid 2005a], [Barthel 2002]). In the field of building construction, these efforts at industrialization are causing a renaissance of precast reinforced concrete elements, modules and composite systems [Zurcher Hochschule Winterthur (Hrsg.) 2002], based, above all, on improved materials technology ([Jachmich 2001]) and efficient production processes ([Girmscheid 2000], [Ballard et al. 2003]). Although the method of construction with precast elements is used to focus primarily on the low-cost and rapid "serial production" of affordable housing ([Bongers 1998]), the potential for manufacturing individual buildings with individual shapes and functions and made from individual materials but using precast elements, modules and composite systems has meanwhile been recognized ([SwissBeton (Hrsg.) 2004]). Because of the lack of established and suitable market instruments, the industrialization potential of prefabrication has so far not been sufficiently exploited in practice.
Philipp Mayring.
Einführung in die qualitative Sozialforschung : eine Anleitung zu qualitativem Denken
J. Sydow.
Strategische Netzwerke: Evolution und Organisation
Gerhard Girmscheid.
Forschungsmethodik in den Baubetriebswissenschaften
Glenn Ballard,et al.
Learning to see work flow: an application of lean concepts to precast concrete fabrication
R. Yin.
Case Study Research: Design and Methods
I. Bongers.
Europa-Haus: Vorfertigung als Wohnungsbau der Zukunft
Wolfgang Jachmich.
Elementierte Planelemente aus Leichtbeton für den Wohnungsbau
D. A. Kirby,et al.
Explanations of the decision to franchise in a non‐traditional franchise sector: the case of the UK construction industry
A. Kellerman,et al.
The Constitution of Society : Outline of the Theory of Structuration