This paper treats the 62 species of Formicidae now known or believed to occur in Chile. Keys are provided to separate the six subfamiUes and ali the genera. The species in those genera with three or more species are also separated by keys. Mosi species are represemed by line drawings. Detailed distribution data are cited in the text and maps are also provided. The following new species-group synonymy is proposed; Ponera opaaceps chilensis Forcl Hypoponera opacwr (Forel); Pogonomyrmex bispinosus ir.lermedius Menozzi = P. b. semtslrtala Emery = P. b. spinolae Emery = P. vermiculatus Emery; Solenopns germaim schedmgi Forel = 5. germamt Emery; S. latastei hof/manni Forel = S. laiastei Emery; Melophorus bruchi Forel = Lasxo- phartes ptcinus (Roger), Prenolepis bolwari Santschi = Ai. pdosului Emery = M. uxonus Emery = L. vaidwtenns (Forel); Myrmelachisla recUnota Forel = M. hoffmanni Forel; M. mayri monticola Mayr = .Vi, mayri Forel, Brachymyrmex giardn nuida Santschi = B. giardii Emery, Camponotus dislinguendus lenuipubens Santschi = C. dtst. denudatus Emery = C. distmguendus (Spinola); C. chuensis ruficornis Emery = C spinolae Roger. The following new genus-group synonymy is proposed: Psammomyrma = Spinimyrma Dorymyrmex; Ammomyrma = AraucomyTmex; Neaphomus = Hmcksidris = Myrmelachisia.

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