Software reengineering is not a wide4 acceptTaking the ed practice. But its methods and tools are critical - to the success of business-process reengineering. guesswork out of Reengineering sojiware starts with an understanding of the existing system and an identzficatool seledion. tion of those components that support the new business processes as is and those thii may have to be changed. Software reengineering would become wide4 used ifthe technology was more automated, more accessible, and less complicated. According to Philip Newcomb, transformational reengineering encompasses available techniques for reverse engineering, reengineering, and reuse, as well as the new medium of the World Wide Web. Using the M, the “as-is” and “to-be” designs can be made available for viewing and distribution. Newcomb provides insight into the ficture of BPR and software reengineering using the m.