Annual review 2001

Towards upgrading UVSOR, we have designed a new magnetic lattice, in which the beam emittance would be reduced and the number of the straight sections available for insertion devices would be doubled. The accelerator components necessary for the upgrade project are under development. A combined function magnet was designed, which is capable of producing both quadrupole field and sextupoles filed. A prototype was constructed and the field measurements are in progress. Some early results have shown that the required field strengths could be achieved. The beam position monitor system was replaced and successfully commissioned. The new system can measure one orbit in a second with resolution of a few microns. It will be a powerful tool in stabilizing the low emittance electron beam. An in-vacuum undulator is under construction. This will be installed in the ring, in spring, 2002, to check the performance and the effects on the electron beam. This type of device is expected to provide SR beams of higher brilliance in higher energy region above 100 eV.