Los materiales aluviales plio-pleistocenicos de Moraleda de Zafayona se formaron en un sistema
trenzado (braided) proximal de curso muy estable y llanura de inundacion bien desarrollada.
El cauce tenia partes activas e inactivas que cambiaban frecuentemente de posicion relativa. En
este trabajo se estudian e interpretan dos barras de canales activos.
La barra 1 crecio confinada en un pequeno canal a partir de un residuo abandonado grosero
(lag) que crecio verticalmente y formo el nucleo con una superficie de avalancha (foreset). Luego
crecio lateralmente por la adicion de sucesivas cunas de sedimento, cuya granulometria y estructuras
sedimentarias reflejan las fluctuaciones del flujo, que integran en conjunto una secuencia positiva
de disminucion lateral y vertical de la energia del flujo. Tras esa etapa de acrecion quedo
un canal residual cuyo relleno registra el aumento progresivo de la energia de la corriente producido
por la disminucion de la seccion. Las partes altas de la nueva-barra muestran los efectos de
la instalacion de flujo supercritico a causa de la pequena profundidad.
La barra 2 crecio libremente en un canal y se diferencian en ella el nucleo y varias etapas
de crecimiento cuya morfologia completa se ha observado gracias, en parte, a la formacion de
pavimentos. Cada una de las etapas registra, a su vez, varios ciclos de crecida y decrecida del caudal
que forman secuencias de tamanos de grano y de estructuras sedimentarias y superficies erosivas
y de reactivacion. Se formaron, ademas, depresiones axiales y surcos erosivos marginales que
se rellenaron posteriormente.
La estructura interna de las barras muestra una evolucion sedimentaria que es similar en todos
los casos. El nucleo de la barra se formo en condiciones de alta descarga y alta energia. Luego,
durante gran parte de su historia la barra iba ofreciendo un obstaculo cada vez mayor a la
corriente y la disminucion de la profundidad causo condiciones de alta energia que no estan necesariamente
ligadas a descargas elevadas. A partir de cierta altura, sin embargo, la barra se convirtio
en un obstaculo excesivamente elevado y el agua que la sobrepasaba se movia con poca velocidad
a causa del rozamiento sobre el fondo, depositandose fracciones mas finas cada vez que integran
una secuencia positiva superpuesta a la anterior. La preservacion de las partes altas de las
secuencias es problematica pues son las primeras en ser eliminadas si se produce erosion posteriormente
a causa de la migracion de canales.
Proximal braided alluvial systems with very stable channels flowed through a well-developed
flaod plain in the area of Moraleda de Zafayona during Plio-Pleistocene times. There were active
and non-active zones within the maio braided channel with continuously changing relative posiliaos.
Two bars of the alluvial system are studied in this paper.
Bar n. o 1 rorrned into a small, confined channel rrom a lag that grew vertically and that eventually
developed a slip face (foreset). The bar grew also by lateral accretion of successive sedimentary
wedges that recorded the Iluctuations of flow and a generalized lateral and vertical decrease
of the energy of the flow as changes of graio size and sequences of primary sedimentary structures.
The remaining residual channel (slough channel?) was filled with coarsening-upwards gravels
due to the increasing flow energy simultaneous to the decreasing size of the channel. Upper flow
regime conditions induced by de shallow water depth occurred at the top of the newly-formed bar.
Bar n. o 2 was a free bar in the channel. A bar core and several stages of growth with vellpreserved
morphologies can be recognized. Fluctuations of discharge were recorded as sequences
of grain sizes and types of sedimentary structures contained in the various stages and as reactivatia
n surfaces. An axial depression dag down into the bar top and a scour channel marginal to
(he bar, both of them filled with gravel, were found too.
The internal structure of the bars shows a similar vertical evolution in all the cases, characterized
by and initial stage of high energy related to high discharge and deposition of the core of
the bar. High-energy conditions are also recorded in part of sequence formed during the progressive
vertical growlh, as the bar increasingly interferes with the flow and generalized sweeping of
sediment takes place resulting in the formation of pavements and reactivation surfaces. After the
bar reaches a critical heigth (as compared to the continuously-channing water level) it severely
interferes the flow, water depth over the top of the bar is very low and deposition of finer grain
sizes occurs. The upper part of the internal structure of the bars shows a fining-upwards trend
with common rootling. The preservation of the upper parts of the sequences ramains problematic
beca use they are the first that will be removed if eros ion by migrating channels occurs.
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Transverse Bars and Braiding in the Lower Platte River, Nebraska
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Los conglomerados de Moraleda: un modelo de sistema fluvial de tipo "braided" (depresión de Granada, España)
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A Classification of Alluvial Channel Systems
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Lithofacies Types and Vertical Profile Models in Braided River Deposits: A Summary
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River channel patterns: Braided, meandering, and straight