Cardiac septal defects constitute the majority ofcongenitalheartdisease(CHD)inhumansandfamilialrecurrenceisreportedtoexceed5%[Burnetal.,1998].Previously, mutations in GATA4 and NKX2.5 havebeendescribedtobepathogenicforostiumsecundumatrial septal defects (ASDII) and ventricular septaldefects(VSD)[Schottetal.,1998;Gargetal.,2003].Incontrast, CRELD1 and BMP4 constitute functionalcandidatesforregulardevelopmentoftheendocardialcushionandmutationsinthesegenescause atrioven-tricular septal defects (AVSD) in animal models andhumans [Jiao et al., 2003; Robinson et al., 2003]. Wehypothesizedthatmutationsin GATA4(NM_002052),NKX2.5 (NM_004387), CRELD1 (NM_015513), andBMP4(NM_001202)canbeidentifiedinalargecohortof patients withcongenital septal defects with a focusonASDII.Weanalyzedthecodingregionofthesefourgenesin205patientswithcongenitalseptaldefectsbysinglestrandedconformationalpolymorphism(SSCP)and sequencing. The patient cohort was assembledout of 110 patients with isolated ASDII. Of these,four subjects (3.6%) mentioned a familial history andformal segregation analysis of pedigrees suggestedan autosomal dominant inheritance. However, familyrelatives were not studied systematically. To thishomogenous ASDII patient cohort we added agroupof95individualswithdifferentcongenitalseptaldefects (60 ASDII, 22 perimembranous VSD, and13 AVSD) and concomitant minor cardiac malforma-tions (Aortic coarctation ¼CoA, persistent ductusarteriosus¼PDA or partial anomalous venousreturn¼PAPVR). These patients were included as asubgroup in a candidate gene approach reportedpreviously [Ozcelik et al., 2006]. All patients wereattending the Department for Congenital Heart Dis-ease, German Heart Institute Berlin (GHIB). Patientswith syndromic appearance and/or limb malforma-tions were excluded from the genetic study andcontrolsubjectswerematchedforethnicity.Thestudyprotocol was approved by the Institutional ReviewBoard of the GHIB and Charite´.A heterozygous c.1750C>T mutation of GATA4,which predicts p.A411V, was identified in a cauca-sian patient with multiperforated ASDII and PAPVR.After exclusion in 600 control chromosomes weconsideredthevarianttobeanovelASDIIassociatedmutation representing the fifth GATA4 mutationidentified in a patient with ASDII. The carrier was a73-year-old female with ASDII and sustained atrial
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Mutations in the EGF-CFC Gene Cryptic Are an Infrequent Cause of Congenital Heart Disease
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G. Dbaibo,et al.
A novel mutation in the GATA4 gene in patients with Tetralogy of Fallot
Human mutation.
M. Furutani,et al.
Phenotypes with GATA4 or NKX2.5 mutations in familial atrial septal defect
American journal of medical genetics. Part A.
N. Niikawa,et al.
A novel GATA4 mutation completely segregated with atrial septal defect in a large Japanese family
Journal of Medical Genetics.
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NKX2.5 mutations in patients with congenital heart disease.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
E. Goldmuntz,et al.
NKX2.5mutations in patients with congenital heart disease
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An essential role of Bmp4 in the atrioventricular septation of the mouse heart.
Genes & development.
Jonathan C. Cohen,et al.
GATA4 mutations cause human congenital heart defects and reveal an interaction with TBX5
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Missense mutations in CRELD1 are associated with cardiac atrioventricular septal defects.
American journal of human genetics.
J. Seidman,et al.
Congenital heart disease caused by mutations in the transcription factor NKX2-5.
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Recurrence risks in offspring of adults with major heart defects: results from first cohort of British collaborative study
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Requirement of the transcription factor GATA4 for heart tube formation and ventral morphogenesis.
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