The super-parametric density estimators and its related algorism were suggested by Y. -S. Tsai et al [7]. The number of parameters is unlimited in the super- parametric estimators and it is a general theory in sense of unifying or connecting nonparametric and parametric estimators. Before applying to numerical examples, we can not give any comment of the estimators. In this paper, we will focus on the implementation, the computer programming, of the algorism and strategies of choosing window functions. B-splines, Bezier splines and covering windows are studied as well. According to the criterion of the convergence conditions for Parzen window, the number of the window functions shall be, roughly, proportional to the number of samples and so is the number of the variables. Since the algorism is designed for solving the optimization of likelihood function, there will be a set of nonlinear equations with a large number of variables. The results show that algorism suggested by Y. -S. Tsai is very powerful and effective in the sense of mathematics, that is, the iteration procedures converge and the rates of convergence are very fast. Also, the numerical results of different window functions show that the approach of super-parametric density estimators has ushered a new era of statistics.
Yeong-shyeong Tsai.
Application of Quantum Theory to Super-parametric Density Estimation
R. Wets,et al.
Estimating density functions: a constrained maximum likelihood approach
I. Good,et al.
Density Estimation and Bump-Hunting by the Penalized Likelihood Method Exemplified by Scattering and Meteorite Data
Richard O. Duda,et al.
Pattern classification and scene analysis
A Wiley-Interscience publication.
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Nonparametric roughness penalties for probability densities
E. Parzen.
On Estimation of a Probability Density Function and Mode
A. Wald.
Note on the Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimate
K. Pearson,et al.
The American Naturalist.
高等学校計算数学学報 = Numerical mathematics
D. Luenberger.
Optimization by Vector Space Methods