Interdisciplinary language arts and science instruction in elementary classrooms : applying research to practice

Contents: Preface. Part I: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Science and Language Arts Instruction. V.L. Akerson, T.A. Young, Why Interdisciplinary Language Arts and Science Instruction? J.C. Richards, Interdisciplinary Teaching: History, Theory, and Interpretations. T.D. Sadler, Sociocultural Perspective on Scientific Literacy and Learning Science. Part II: The Influence of Interdisciplinary Science and Language Arts Instruction on Children's Learning. J.A. Morrison, Teachers' Use of Science Notebooks to Assess Understanding of Science Concepts. D.T. Crowther, J.R. Cannon, Using the THC Model of Science Investigation and Science Notebooking in Elementary and Middle-Level Science Classrooms. D.A. Powell, R.J. Aram, Children Publish in Science as a Way of Knowing. D. Crowther, M. Robinson, A. Edmundson, A. Colburn, Preparing English Language Learners in the Science Classroom. C. Gile, Inquiry Curriculum in the Primary Grades. Part III: Research on Preparing Elementary Teachers to Use Interdisciplinary Science and Language Arts Instruction. W.P. Bintz, S. Moore, Using a Literature-Based Text Cluster to Teach Science. J.C. Richards, K.T. Shea, Interdisciplinary Teaching in the Primary Grades: Preservice Teachers' Dilemmas and Achievements Connecting Science, the Arts, and Reading. J.A. Morrison, Using Science Notebook Writing to Promote Preservice Teachers' Understanding of Formative Assessment. I. Graves, T. Phillipson, Using Critical Literacy in the Science Classroom. S.J. Britsch, D.P. Shepardson, CLASP: An Approach to Helping Teachers Interpret Children's Science Journaling. L.Y. Lu, Semiotics for Integrating Geosciences Into Literacy in Teacher Education. V.L. Akerson, Using Action Research Projects to Help Preservice Elementary Teachers Effectively Use Interdisciplinary Language Arts and Science Instruction. Part IV: Conclusions and Recommendations. V.L. Akerson, T.A. Young, What Do We Know From Our Research? What Do We Still Need to Know? Conclusions and Recommendations.