Resilience: A Literature Review

We know that there will be crises; the immediate dissemination of the news of any worldwide calamity, as well as the lives of most any human being, have shown us that. These crises often resolve; perhaps naturally, or perhaps with effort and cost. Sometimes they prove to be devastating, plunging a country into chaos, an adult into drug use, or an economy into depression. Such crises are often, but not always, unexpected. Climate change, a bit paradoxically, is expected to bring more of the unexpected.

[1]  Keith W. Kintigh,et al.  Resisting Diversity: a Long-Term Archaeological Study , 2011 .

[2]  Michele-Lee Moore,et al.  Research, part of a Special Feature on Resilience Through Multi-scalar Collaboration Surmountable Chasms: Networks and Social Innovation for Resilient Systems , 2011 .

[3]  Justin M. Ross,et al.  Robustness and Vulnerability of Community Irrigation Systems: The Case of the Taos Valley Acequias , 2010 .

[4]  Marten Scheffer,et al.  Resilience thinking: integrating resilience, adaptability and transformability , 2010 .

[5]  John M. Anderies,et al.  Robustness, vulnerability, and adaptive capacity in small-scale social-ecological systems: The Pumpa Irrigation System in Nepal , 2010 .

[6]  John M. Anderies,et al.  The Cross-scale Interplay between Social and Biophysical Context and the Vulnerability of Irrigation-dependent Societies: Archaeology’s Long-term Perspective , 2010 .

[7]  Nabin Baral,et al.  Growth, Collapse, and Reorganization of the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal: An Analysis of Institutional Resilience , 2010 .

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[10]  G. Oettingen,et al.  Posttraumatic resilience in former Ugandan child soldiers. , 2010, Child development.

[11]  Craig R. Allen,et al.  Foundations of ecological resilience , 2010 .

[12]  B. Crona,et al.  The role of social networks in natural resource governance: What relational patterns make a difference? , 2009 .

[13]  Jan Sendzimir,et al.  Nested vulnerability:exploring cross-scale linkages and vulnerability teleconnections in Mexican and Vietnamese coffee systems , 2009 .

[14]  Hallie Eakin,et al.  Linking local vulnerability to system sustainability in a resilience framework: two cases from Latin America , 2009 .

[15]  J. Anderies,et al.  Ecology and Society: Resilience, Adaptability, and Transformability in the Goulburn-Broken Catchment, Australia , 2009 .

[16]  S. Carpenter,et al.  Turning back from the brink: Detecting an impending regime shift in time to avert it , 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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[20]  F. Westley Renewal and resilience: the role of social innovation in building institutional resilience. , 2008, African health sciences.

[21]  S. Carpenter,et al.  Adaptive Capacity and Traps , 2008 .

[22]  Geoff Evans,et al.  Transformation from "Carbon Valley" to a "Post-Carbon Society" in a Climate Change Hot Spot: the Coalfields of the Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia , 2008 .

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[24]  C. S. Holling,et al.  Practicing adaptive management in complex social-ecological systems , 2008 .

[25]  W. Adger,et al.  Adaptation to Environmental Change: Contributions of a Resilience Framework , 2007 .

[26]  A. Hastings,et al.  Thresholds and the resilience of Caribbean coral reefs , 2007, Nature.

[27]  J. Anderies,et al.  Robustness Trade-offs in Social-Ecological Systems , 2007 .

[28]  Armando A. Rodriguez,et al.  Panaceas, uncertainty, and the robust control framework in sustainability science , 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[29]  Marten Scheffer,et al.  Shallow lakes theory revisited: various alternative regimes driven by climate, nutrients, depth and lake size , 2007, Hydrobiologia.

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[31]  M. Rutter Implications of Resilience Concepts for Scientific Understanding , 2006, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

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[33]  John M. Anderies,et al.  Loss of Resilience, Crisis, and Institutional Change: Lessons from an Intensive Agricultural System in Southeastern Australia , 2006, Ecosystems.

[34]  B. Crona,et al.  WHAT you know is WHO you know? Communication patterns among resource users as a prerequisite for co-management , 2006 .

[35]  B. Smit,et al.  Adaptation, adaptive capacity and vulnerability , 2006 .

[36]  J. Anderies Robustness, institutions, and large-scale change in social-ecological systems: the Hohokam of the Phoenix Basin , 2006, Journal of Institutional Economics.

[37]  John M. Anderies,et al.  Toward a network perspective of the study of resilience in social-ecological systems , 2006 .

[38]  J. Anderies,et al.  Governance and the Capacity to Manage Resilience in Regional Social-Ecological Systems , 2006 .

[39]  A. Kinzig,et al.  Resilience and Regime Shifts: Assessing Cascading Effects , 2006 .

[40]  John M. Anderies,et al.  Collapse and Reorganization in Social-Ecological Systems: Questions, Some Ideas, and Policy Implications , 2006 .

[41]  A. Kinzig,et al.  Guest Editorial, part of a Special Feature on Exploring Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems Exploring Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems Through Comparative Studies and Theory Development: Introduction to the Special Issue , 2006 .

[42]  Christopher B. Barrett,et al.  Fractal Poverty Traps , 2006 .

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[48]  C. S. Holling,et al.  Resilience, Adaptability and Transformability in Social–ecological Systems , 2004 .

[49]  C. Folke,et al.  Adaptive Comanagement for Building Resilience in Social–Ecological Systems , 2004, Environmental management.

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[57]  J. Anderies,et al.  Robust strategies for managing rangelands with multiple stable attractors , 2004 .

[58]  S. Carpenter,et al.  Catastrophic regime shifts in ecosystems: linking theory to observation , 2003 .

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[71]  Jon Norberg,et al.  Resilience Management in Social-ecological Systems: a Working Hypothesis for a Participatory Approach , 2002 .

[72]  F. Walsh A Family Resilience Framework: Innovative Practice Applications , 2002 .

[73]  C. S. Holling,et al.  Panarchy Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems , 2002 .

[74]  J. Anderies,et al.  Grazing Management, Resilience, and the Dynamics of a Fire-driven Rangeland System , 2002, Ecosystems.

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