The Block Cipher Companion

Block ciphers encrypt blocks of plaintext, messages, into blocks of ciphertext under the action of a secret key, and the process of encryption is reversed by decryption which uses the same user-supplied key. Block ciphers are fundamental to modern cryptography, in fact they are the most widely used cryptographic primitive useful in their own right, and in the construction of other cryptographic mechanisms. In this book the authors provide a technically detailed, yet readable, account of the state of the art of block cipher analysis, design, and deployment. The authors first describe the most prominent block ciphers and give insights into their design. They then consider the role of the cryptanalyst, the adversary, and provide an overview of some of the most important cryptanalytic methods. The book will be of value to graduate and senior undergraduate students of cryptography and to professionals engaged in cryptographic design. An important feature of the presentation is the authors' exhaustive bibliography of the field, each chapter closing with comprehensive supporting notes.

[1]  Valérie Nachef,et al.  Generic Attacks on Unbalanced Feistel Schemes with Expanding Functions , 2007, ASIACRYPT.

[2]  Christophe Giraud,et al.  An Implementation of DES and AES, Secure against Some Attacks , 2001, CHES.

[3]  Kazuo Ohta,et al.  Results of Switching-Closure-Test on FEAL (Extended Abstract) , 1991, ASIACRYPT.

[4]  Scott R. Fluhrer Cryptanalysis of the Mercy Block Cipher , 2001, FSE.

[5]  Jean-Jacques Quisquater,et al.  Security of the MISTY Structure in the Luby-Rackoff Model: Improved Results , 2004, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[6]  Hiroshi Miyauchi,et al.  Cryptanalysis of DES Implemented on Computers with Cache , 2003, CHES.

[7]  Martin E. Hellman,et al.  A cryptanalytic time-memory trade-off , 1980, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory.

[8]  Eyal Kushilevitz,et al.  Improved Cryptanalysis of RC5 , 1998, EUROCRYPT.

[9]  Jean-Jacques Quisquater,et al.  How Easy is Collision Search? Application to DES (Extended Summary) , 1990, EUROCRYPT.

[10]  Bruce Schneier,et al.  Amplified Boomerang Attacks Against Reduced-Round MARS and Serpent , 2000, FSE.

[11]  Xuejia Lai Higher Order Derivatives and Differential Cryptanalysis , 1994 .

[12]  염흥렬,et al.  [서평]「Applied Cryptography」 , 1997 .

[13]  Gregory V. Bard,et al.  Algebraic and Slide Attacks on KeeLoq , 2008, FSE.

[14]  Vincent Rijmen,et al.  The Design of Rijndael , 2002, Information Security and Cryptography.

[15]  Nicolas Courtois Feistel Schemes and Bi-linear Cryptanalysis , 2004, CRYPTO.

[16]  Feng Dengguo,et al.  Collision attack and pseudorandomness of reduced-round camellia , 2004 .

[17]  Walter Fumy,et al.  On the F-function of FEAL , 1987, CRYPTO.

[18]  Hua Chen,et al.  Collision Attack and Pseudorandomness of Reduced-Round Camellia , 2004, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[19]  Lars R. Knudsen,et al.  A Key-schedule Weakness in SAFER K-64 , 1995, CRYPTO.

[20]  Mitsuru Matsui,et al.  New Block Encryption Algorithm MISTY , 1997, FSE.

[21]  Eli Biham,et al.  Cryptanalysis of Ladder-DES , 1997, FSE.

[22]  Pascal Junod,et al.  Revisiting the IDEA Philosophy , 2009, FSE.

[23]  L. Knudsen,et al.  Distinguishing attack on five-round Feistel networks , 2003 .

[24]  Matthew Kwan Simultaneous Attacks in Differential Cryptanalysis (Getting More Pairs Per Encryption) , 1991, ASIACRYPT.

[25]  Toshinobu Kaneko,et al.  Higher Order Differential Attak of CAST Cipher , 1998, FSE.

[26]  Pierre-Alain Fouque,et al.  Practical Symmetric On-Line Encryption , 2003, FSE.

[27]  Lars R. Knudsen,et al.  Provable Security Against Differential Cryptanalysis , 1992, CRYPTO.

[28]  Serge Vaudenay,et al.  Adaptive-Attack Norm for Decorrelation and Super-Pseudorandomness , 1999, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[29]  Shoji Miyaguchi The FEAL-8 Cryptosystem and a Call for Attack , 1989, CRYPTO.

[30]  Niels Ferguson,et al.  A Simple Algebraic Representation of Rijndael , 2001, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[31]  Eli Biham,et al.  Differential Cryptanalysis of the Data Encryption Standard , 1993, Springer New York.

[32]  Ingrid Schaumüller-Bichl,et al.  Cryptonalysis of the Data Encryption Standard by the Method of Formal Coding , 1982, EUROCRYPT.

[33]  Don Coppersmith,et al.  The Data Encryption Standard (DES) and its strength against attacks , 1994, IBM J. Res. Dev..

[34]  Ueli Maurer A Simplified and Generalized Treatment of Luby-Rackoff Pseudorandom Permutation Generator , 1992, EUROCRYPT.

[35]  Vincent Rijmen,et al.  The Block Cipher BKSQ , 1998, CARDIS.

[36]  Frédéric Muller,et al.  A New Attack against Khazad , 2003, ASIACRYPT.

[37]  Adi Shamir,et al.  On the Security of DES , 1985, CRYPTO.

[38]  Xuejia Lai,et al.  Security of Iterated Hash Functions Based on Block Ciphers , 1994, CRYPTO.

[39]  Johann Großschädl,et al.  Instruction Set Extensions for Efficient AES Implementation on 32-bit Processors , 2006, CHES.

[40]  Ueli Maurer,et al.  Cascade ciphers: The importance of being first , 1993, Journal of Cryptology.

[41]  Eli Biham,et al.  Two Practical and Provably Secure Block Ciphers: BEARS and LION , 1996, FSE.

[42]  Yasuo Hatano,et al.  Higher Order Differential Attack of Camellia (II) , 2002, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[43]  Yvo Desmedt,et al.  Efficient Hardware and Software Implementations for the DES , 1985, CRYPTO.

[44]  Serge Vaudenay Decorrelation over Infinite Domains: The Encrypted CBC-MAC Case , 2000, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[45]  Joo Yeon Cho,et al.  Linear Cryptanalysis of Reduced-Round PRESENT , 2010, CT-RSA.

[46]  Charles Cresson Wood,et al.  Security for computer networks : D.W. Davies and W.L. Price New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1984. 386 + xix pages, $19.50 , 1985, Computers & security.

[47]  Bart Preneel,et al.  Attacks on Fast Double Block Length Hash Functions , 1998, Journal of Cryptology.

[48]  Reinhard Posch,et al.  A 155 Mbps Triple-DES Network Encryptor , 2000, CHES.

[49]  Monk-Ping Leong,et al.  Tradeoffs in Parallel and Serial Implementations of the International Data Encryption Algorithm IDEA , 2001, CHES.

[50]  Lars R. Knudsen,et al.  The Security of Feistel Ciphers with Six Rounds or Less , 2002, Journal of Cryptology.

[51]  Akashi Satoh,et al.  A Compact Rijndael Hardware Architecture with S-Box Optimization , 2001, ASIACRYPT.

[52]  Cunsheng Ding,et al.  On Almost Perfect Nonlinear Permutations , 1994, EUROCRYPT.

[53]  Taizo Shirai,et al.  Improved Upper Bounds of Differential and Linear Characteristic Probability for Camellia , 2002, FSE.

[54]  Hideki Imai,et al.  On the Construction of Block Ciphers Provably Secure and Not Relying on Any Unproved Hypotheses , 1989, CRYPTO.

[55]  Emmanuel Prouff,et al.  DPA Attacks and S-Boxes , 2005, FSE.

[56]  Bruce Schneier,et al.  Description of a New Variable-Length Key, 64-bit Block Cipher (Blowfish) , 1993, FSE.

[57]  Carlo Harpes,et al.  A Generalization of Linear Cryptanalysis and the Applicability of Matsui's Piling-Up Lemma , 1995, EUROCRYPT.

[58]  Kenneth G. Paterson,et al.  Padding Oracle Attacks on the ISO CBC Mode Encryption Standard , 2004, CT-RSA.

[59]  Eli Biham,et al.  Differential Cryptanalysis of Feal and N-Hash , 1991, EUROCRYPT.

[60]  Toshinobu Kaneko A Known-Plaintext Attack of FEAL-4 Based on the System of Linear Equations on Difference , 1991, ASIACRYPT.

[61]  Amir Moradi,et al.  A Generalized Method of Differential Fault Attack Against AES Cryptosystem , 2006, CHES.

[62]  Philippe Oechslin,et al.  Making a Faster Cryptanalytic Time-Memory Trade-Off , 2003, CRYPTO.

[63]  Olivier Billet,et al.  Cryptanalysis of a White Box AES Implementation , 2004, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[64]  Stafford E. Tavares,et al.  On the Design of SP Networks From an Information Theoretic Point of View , 1992, CRYPTO.

[65]  Vincent Rijmen,et al.  Linear Frameworks for Block Ciphers , 2001, Des. Codes Cryptogr..

[66]  Serge Vaudenay,et al.  Perfect Diffusion Primitives for Block Ciphers , 2004, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[67]  Willi Meier,et al.  The Conditional Correlation Attack: A Practical Attack on Bluetooth Encryption , 2005, CRYPTO.

[68]  Tsutomu Matsumoto,et al.  Optimization of Time-Memory Trade-Off Cryptanalysis and Its Application to DES, FEAL-32, and Skipjack (Special Section on Cryptography and Information Security) , 1996 .

[69]  Yuliang Zheng,et al.  The SPEED Cipher , 1997, Financial Cryptography.

[70]  Ivan Damgård,et al.  The Breaking of the AR Hash Function , 1993, EUROCRYPT.

[71]  Lars R. Knudsen,et al.  The Interpolation Attack on Block Ciphers , 1997, FSE.

[72]  Willi Meier,et al.  Improved Differential Attacks on RC5 , 1996, CRYPTO.

[73]  Sangwoo Park,et al.  On the Security of CAMELLIA against the Square Attack , 2002, FSE.

[74]  Milos Drutarovský,et al.  Two Methods of Rijndael Implementation in Reconfigurable Hardware , 2001, CHES.

[75]  Ivan Damgård,et al.  Two-Key Triple Encryption , 1998, Journal of Cryptology.

[76]  Alex Biryukov,et al.  The Design of a Stream Cipher LEX , 2006, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[77]  Håvard Raddum Cryptanalysis of IDEA-X/2 , 2003, FSE.

[78]  Christof Paar,et al.  Ultra-Lightweight Implementations for Smart Devices - Security for 1000 Gate Equivalents , 2008, CARDIS.

[79]  Serge Vaudenay,et al.  On the Security of CS-Cipher , 1999, FSE.

[80]  Mitsuru Matsui,et al.  Linear Cryptanalysis of LOKI and s2DES , 1994, ASIACRYPT.

[81]  Mitsuru Matsui,et al.  New Structure of Block Ciphers with Provable Security against Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis , 1996, FSE.

[82]  Khoongming Khoo,et al.  Cryptographic Properties and Application of a Generalized Unbalanced Feistel Network Structure , 2009, ACISP.

[83]  Eli Biham,et al.  Rectangle Attacks on 49-Round SHACAL-1 , 2003, FSE.

[84]  Douglas R. Stinson,et al.  Cryptography: Theory and Practice , 1995 .

[85]  Tetsu Iwata,et al.  New Security Proofs for the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity Algorithms , 2004, FSE.

[86]  Antoine Joux,et al.  Blockwise-Adaptive Attackers: Revisiting the (In)Security of Some Provably Secure Encryption Models: CBC, GEM, IACBC , 2002, CRYPTO.

[87]  Jean-Didier Legat,et al.  ICEBERG : An Involutional Cipher Efficient for Block Encryption in Reconfigurable Hardware , 2004, FSE.

[88]  Bruce Schneier,et al.  Minimal Key Lengths for Symmetric Ciphers to Provide Adequate Commercial Security. A Report by an Ad Hoc Group of Cryptographers and Computer Scientists , 1996 .

[89]  Kaoru Kurosawa,et al.  Probabilistic Higher Order Differential Attack and Higher Order Bent Functions , 1999, ASIACRYPT.

[90]  Hiroshi Miyano,et al.  A Method to Estimate the Number of Ciphertext Pairs for Differential Cryptanalysis , 1991, ASIACRYPT.

[91]  Vincent Rijmen,et al.  Two Attacks on Reduced IDEA , 1997, EUROCRYPT.

[92]  Henri Gilbert,et al.  A Statistical Attack of the FEAL-8 Cryptosystem , 1990, CRYPTO.

[93]  Kaoru Kurosawa,et al.  Generalization of Higher Order SAC to Vector Output Boolean Functions , 1996, ASIACRYPT.

[94]  Ralph Wernsdorf,et al.  Markov Ciphers and Alternating Groups , 1994, EUROCRYPT.

[95]  Jennifer Seberry,et al.  Highly Nonlinear 0-1 Balanced Boolean Functions Satisfying Strict Avalanche Criterion , 1992, AUSCRYPT.

[96]  Serge Vaudenay,et al.  Feistel Ciphers with L2-Decorrelation , 1998, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[97]  Máire O'Neill,et al.  High Performance Single-Chip FPGA Rijndael Algorithm Implementations , 2001, CHES.

[98]  Eli Biham,et al.  A New Attack on 6-Round IDEA , 2007, FSE.

[99]  Jean-Jacques Quisquater,et al.  A Differential Fault Attack Technique against SPN Structures, with Application to the AES and KHAZAD , 2003, CHES.

[100]  Yvo Desmedt,et al.  Efficient Hardware Implementation of the DES , 1985, CRYPTO.

[101]  Bart Preneel,et al.  Cryptanalysis of White-Box DES Implementations with Arbitrary External Encodings , 2007, IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch..

[102]  Charanjit S. Jutla,et al.  Generalized Birthday Arracks on Unbalanced Feistel Networks , 1998, CRYPTO.

[103]  David A. Wagner Towards a Unifying View of Block Cipher Cryptanalysis , 2004, FSE.

[104]  Steven Trimberger,et al.  A 12 Gbps DES Encryptor/Decryptor Core in an FPGA , 2000, CHES.

[105]  L. Knudsen Iterative Characteristics of DES and S^2-DES , 1993 .

[106]  François-Xavier Standaert,et al.  A Statistical Saturation Attack against the Block Cipher PRESENT , 2009, CT-RSA.

[107]  Eyal Kushilevitz,et al.  From Differential Cryptanalysis to Ciphertext-Only Attacks , 1998, CRYPTO.

[108]  Cryptanalysis of a Reduced Version of the Block Cipher E2 , 1999, FSE.

[109]  Paul C. Kocher,et al.  Differential Power Analysis , 1999, CRYPTO.

[110]  Stefan Lucks On Security of the 128-Bit Block Cipher DEAL , 1999, FSE.

[111]  Claus Diem,et al.  The XL-Algorithm and a Conjecture from Commutative Algebra , 2004, ASIACRYPT.

[112]  Chae Hoon Lim,et al.  CRYPTON: A New 128-bit Block Cipher - Specification and Analysis , 1998 .

[113]  Raphael C.-W. Phan,et al.  Impossible differential cryptanalysis of 7-round Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) , 2004, Inf. Process. Lett..

[114]  Serge Vaudenay,et al.  Provable Security for Block Ciphers by Decorrelation , 1998, STACS.

[115]  Stefan Lucks The Saturation Attack - A Bait for Twofish , 2000, FSE.

[116]  James L. Massey,et al.  SAFER K-64: A Byte-Oriented Block-Ciphering Algorithm , 1993, FSE.

[117]  Seokhie Hong,et al.  Known-IV Attacks on Triple Modes of Operation of Block Ciphers , 2001, ASIACRYPT.

[118]  Tsutomu Matsumoto,et al.  Security of Camellia against Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis , 2001, FSE.

[119]  Sangjin Lee,et al.  Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of Reduced Round XTEA and TEA , 2002, FSE.

[120]  Pascal Junod,et al.  New Attacks Against Reduced-Round Versions of IDEA , 2005, FSE.

[121]  Kazuhiko Minematsu,et al.  Beyond-Birthday-Bound Security Based on Tweakable Block Cipher , 2009, FSE.

[122]  Paulo S. L. M. Barreto,et al.  Improved SQUARE Attacks against Reduced-Round HIEROCRYPT , 2001, FSE.

[123]  Chae Hoon Lim,et al.  Hardware Design and Performance Estimation of the 128-bit Block Cipher Crypton , 1999, CHES.

[124]  Serge Vaudenay,et al.  Security Flaws Induced by CBC Padding - Applications to SSL, IPSEC, WTLS , 2002, EUROCRYPT.

[125]  Jean-Jacques Quisquater,et al.  Other Cycling Tests for DES (Abstract) , 1987, CRYPTO.

[126]  Marine Minier,et al.  New Results on the Pseudorandomness of Some Blockcipher Constructions , 2001, FSE.

[127]  Antoine Joux,et al.  Blockwise Adversarial Model for On-line Ciphers and Symmetric Encryption Schemes , 2004, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[128]  Markus Dichtl,et al.  Problems with the Linear Cryptanalysis of DES Using More Than One Active S-box per Round , 1994, FSE.

[129]  Shai Halevi,et al.  A Tweakable Enciphering Mode , 2003, CRYPTO.

[130]  Kaoru Kurosawa,et al.  Non-cryptographic primitive for pseudorandom permutation , 2003, Theor. Comput. Sci..

[131]  Matthew J. B. Robshaw,et al.  Linear Cryptanalysis Using Multiple Approximations and FEAL , 1994, FSE.

[132]  Donghoon Chang,et al.  Full-Round Differential Attack on the Original Version of the Hash Function Proposed at PKC'98 , 2002, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[133]  Chris J. Mitchell,et al.  Partial Key Recovery Attack Against RMAC , 2004, Journal of Cryptology.

[134]  Yuliang Zheng,et al.  On Relationships among Avalanche, Nonlinearity, and Correlation Immunity , 2000, ASIACRYPT.

[135]  Joos Vandewalle,et al.  Linear Cryptanalysis of Reduced-Round Versions of the SAFER Block Cipher Family , 2000, FSE.

[136]  Serge Vaudenay,et al.  Decorrelation: A Theory for Block Cipher Security , 2003, Journal of Cryptology.

[137]  David Canright,et al.  A Very Compact S-Box for AES , 2005, CHES.

[138]  Ronald L. Rivest,et al.  Is the Data Encryption Standard a Group? (Preliminary Abstract) , 1985, EUROCRYPT.

[139]  Kyoji Shibutani,et al.  On Feistel Structures Using a Diffusion Switching Mechanism , 2006, FSE.

[140]  Jens-Peter Kaps,et al.  Chai-Tea, Cryptographic Hardware Implementations of xTEA , 2008, INDOCRYPT.

[141]  Jean-Jacques Quisquater,et al.  SEA: A Scalable Encryption Algorithm for Small Embedded Applications , 2006, CARDIS.

[142]  Alex Biryukov,et al.  Analysis of Involutional Ciphers: Khazad and Anubis , 2003, FSE.

[143]  Tadayoshi Kohno,et al.  CWC: A High-Performance Conventional Authenticated Encryption Mode , 2004, FSE.

[144]  Matthew J. B. Robshaw,et al.  Essential Algebraic Structure within the AES , 2002, CRYPTO.

[145]  Vincent Rijmen,et al.  A Side-Channel Analysis Resistant Description of the AES S-Box , 2005, FSE.

[146]  Kenneth G. Paterson,et al.  Padding Oracle Attacks on CBC-Mode Encryption with Secret and Random IVs , 2005, FSE.

[147]  Stefan Lucks Ciphers Secure against Related-Key Attacks , 2004, FSE.

[148]  José D. P. Rolim,et al.  A Comparative Study of Performance of AES Final Candidates Using FPGAs , 2000, CHES.

[149]  Serge Vaudenay,et al.  Proving the Security of AES Substitution-Permutation Network , 2005, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[150]  John Black,et al.  Black-Box Analysis of the Block-Cipher-Based Hash-Function Constructions from PGV , 2002, CRYPTO.

[151]  Henri Gilbert,et al.  A Chosen Plaintext Attack of the 16-round Khufu Cryptosystem , 1994, CRYPTO.

[152]  Charanjit S. Jutla Lower Bound on Linear Authenticated Encryption , 2003, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[153]  Lars R. Knudsen,et al.  Attacks on Block Ciphers of Low Algebraic Degree , 2001, Journal of Cryptology.

[154]  Xuejia Lai,et al.  A Proposal for a New Block Encryption Standard , 1991, EUROCRYPT.

[155]  Mitsuru Matsui,et al.  Camellia: A 128-Bit Block Cipher Suitable for Multiple Platforms - Design and Analysis , 2000, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[156]  J. Wolfowitz Review: William Feller, An introduction to probability theory and its applications. Vol. I , 1951 .

[157]  Orr Dunkelman,et al.  An Improved Impossible Differential Attack on MISTY1 , 2008, ASIACRYPT.

[158]  Bruce Schneier,et al.  Mod n Cryptanalysis, with Applications Against RC5P and M6 , 1999, FSE.

[159]  Wen-Feng Qi,et al.  Construction and Analysis of Boolean Functions of 2t+1 Variables with Maximum Algebraic Immunity , 2006, ASIACRYPT.

[160]  Alex Biryukov,et al.  Related-Key Cryptanalysis of the Full AES-192 and AES-256 , 2009, ASIACRYPT.

[161]  Eli Biham,et al.  Differential Fault Analysis of Secret Key Cryptosystems , 1997, CRYPTO.

[162]  David Chaum,et al.  Crytanalysis of DES with a Reduced Number of Rounds: Sequences of Linear Factors in Block Ciphers , 1985, CRYPTO.

[163]  Mitsuru Matsui,et al.  A New Method for Known Plaintext Attack of FEAL Cipher , 1992, EUROCRYPT.

[164]  Eli Biham,et al.  New Results on Boomerang and Rectangle Attacks , 2002, FSE.

[165]  Chris Charnes,et al.  Linear Nonequivalence versus Nonlinearity , 1992, AUSCRYPT.

[166]  Joe Kilian,et al.  How to Protect DES Against Exhaustive Key Search , 1996, CRYPTO.

[167]  Lars R. Knudsen Iterative Characteristics of DES and s²-DES , 1992, CRYPTO.

[168]  James L. Massey,et al.  SAFER K-64: One Year Later , 1994, FSE.

[169]  Lars R. Knudsen,et al.  New Potentially 'Weak' Keys for DES and LOKI (Extended Abstract) , 1994, EUROCRYPT.

[170]  S. Akl,et al.  Two New Secret Key Cryptosystems , 1985, EUROCRYPT.

[171]  Adi Shamir,et al.  A Practical-Time Related-Key Attack on the KASUMI Cryptosystem Used in GSM and 3G Telephony , 2010, CRYPTO.

[172]  David A. Wagner,et al.  Integral Cryptanalysis , 2002, FSE.

[173]  Mihir Bellare,et al.  The EAX Mode of Operation , 2004, FSE.

[174]  Serge Vaudenay,et al.  Links Between Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis , 1994, EUROCRYPT.

[175]  Vincent Rijmen,et al.  A Family of Trapdoor Ciphers , 1997, FSE.

[176]  Justin M. Reyneri,et al.  Drainage and the DES , 1982, CRYPTO.

[177]  Henk Meijer,et al.  New Method for Upper Bounding the Maximum Average Linear Hull Probability for SPNs , 2001, EUROCRYPT.

[178]  Michael Luby,et al.  How to Construct Pseudo-Random Permutations from Pseudo-Random Functions (Abstract) , 1986, CRYPTO.

[179]  Kaisa Nyberg,et al.  Constructions of Bent Functions and Difference Sets , 1991, EUROCRYPT.

[180]  Joos Vandewalle,et al.  Security Considerations in the Design and Implementation of a new DES chip , 1987, EUROCRYPT.

[181]  Jongsung Kim,et al.  Related-Key Rectangle Attack on the Full SHACAL-1 , 2006, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[182]  Claude E. Shannon,et al.  Communication theory of secrecy systems , 1949, Bell Syst. Tech. J..

[183]  Chao Li,et al.  New Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers with Low Algebraic Degree , 2009, FSE.

[184]  Martin R. Albrecht,et al.  Algebraic Techniques in Differential Cryptanalysis , 2009, IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch..

[185]  Christof Paar,et al.  Breaking Ciphers with COPACOBANA - A Cost-Optimized Parallel Code Breaker , 2006, CHES.

[186]  Hüseyin Demirci Square-like Attacks on Reduced Rounds of IDEA , 2002, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[187]  Stefan Tillich,et al.  Attacking State-of-the-Art Software Countermeasures-A Case Study for AES , 2008, CHES.

[188]  Kaoru Kurosawa,et al.  Root Finding Interpolation Attack , 2000, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[189]  Sébastien Kunz-Jacques,et al.  New Improvements of Davies-Murphy Cryptanalysis , 2005, ASIACRYPT.

[190]  Matthew J. B. Robshaw,et al.  Fast Block Cipher Proposal , 1993, FSE.

[191]  Vincent Rijmen,et al.  AES implementation on a grain of sand , 2005 .

[192]  Anand Desai,et al.  New Paradigms for Constructing Symmetric Encryption Schemes Secure against Chosen-Ciphertext Attack , 2000, CRYPTO.

[193]  Andrey Bogdanov,et al.  Improved Side-Channel Collision Attacks on AES , 2007, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[194]  Sandra Dominikus,et al.  Strong Authentication for RFID Systems Using the AES Algorithm , 2004, CHES.

[195]  Whitfield Diffie,et al.  Special Feature Exhaustive Cryptanalysis of the NBS Data Encryption Standard , 1977, Computer.

[196]  Serge Vaudenay,et al.  Resistance Against General Iterated Attacks , 1999, EUROCRYPT.

[197]  Valérie Nachef,et al.  Generic Attacks on Unbalanced Feistel Schemes with Contracting Functions , 2006, ASIACRYPT.

[198]  Wolfgang Fichtner,et al.  2Gbit/s Hardware Realizations of RIJNDAEL and SERPENT: A Comparative Analysis , 2002, CHES.

[199]  Serge Vaudenay,et al.  On the Weak Keys of Blowfish , 1996, FSE.

[200]  Bruce Schneier,et al.  Unbalanced Feistel Networks and Block Cipher Design , 1996, FSE.

[201]  Kazumaro Aoki Efficient Evaluation of Security against Generalized Interpolation Attack , 1999, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[202]  Axel Poschmann,et al.  Lightweight cryptography: cryptographic engineering for a pervasive world , 2009, IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch..

[203]  Fabrice Noilhan Software Optimization of Decorrelation Module , 1999, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[204]  Ramarathnam Venkatesan,et al.  Foiling Birthday Attacks in Length-Doubling Transformations - Benes: A Non-Reversible Alternative to Feistel , 1996, EUROCRYPT.

[205]  Anne Canteaut,et al.  Degree of Composition of Highly Nonlinear Functions and Applications to Higher Order Differential Cryptanalysis , 2002, EUROCRYPT.

[206]  John P. Steinberger,et al.  Security/Efficiency Tradeoffs for Permutation-Based Hashing , 2008, EUROCRYPT.

[207]  Bart Preneel,et al.  Power Analysis of an FPGA: Implementation of Rijndael: Is Pipelining a DPA Countermeasure? , 2004, CHES.

[208]  Lars R. Knudsen,et al.  Practically Secure Feistel Ciphers , 1994 .

[209]  Panu Hämäläinen,et al.  Design and Implementation of Low-Area and Low-Power AES Encryption Hardware Core , 2006, 9th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design (DSD'06).

[210]  Jean-Didier Legat,et al.  A Time-Memory Tradeoff Using Distinguished Points: New Analysis & FPGA Results , 2002, CHES.

[211]  Cameron Patterson A Dynamic FPGA Implementation of the Serpent Block Cipher , 2000, CHES.

[212]  Amr M. Youssef,et al.  On the Interpolation Attacks on Block Ciphers , 2000, FSE.

[213]  Jung Hee Cheon,et al.  Improved Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of Rijndael and Crypton , 2001, ICISC.

[214]  Henk Meijer,et al.  Modeling Linear Characteristics of Substitution-Permutation Networks , 1999, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[215]  Vincent Rijmen,et al.  Attack on Six Rounds of Crypton , 1999, FSE.

[216]  Gustavus J. Simmons,et al.  Cycle Structures of the DES with Weak and Semi-Weak Keys , 1986, CRYPTO.

[217]  Sangjin Lee,et al.  Improving the Upper Bound on the Maximum Differential and the Maximum Linear Hull Probability for SPN Structures and AES , 2003, FSE.

[218]  John Black,et al.  Side-Channel Attacks on Symmetric Encryption Schemes: The Case for Authenticated Encryption , 2002, USENIX Security Symposium.

[219]  Kazumaro Aoki On Maximum Non-averaged Differential Probability , 1998, Selected Areas in Cryptography.

[220]  William Millan,et al.  Linear Redundancy in S-Boxes , 2003, FSE.

[221]  Paul Crowley,et al.  Mercy: A Fast Large Block Cipher for Disk Sector Encryption , 2000, FSE.

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