A computer-assisted decision-making system for distribution system closed-loop operation
In this paper, the load is represented as a current source. With the features of distribution networks in China taken into account, several mathematical models for uninterruptible distribution network operation are built, and a software package developed. In this software package, ACCESS is employed to develop the database. According to the topology structure of 10 kV distribution systems in China, the problem of closed loop system operation could be classified into three situations: 1. closed operation of different branches with the same power supply and in the same feeder; 2. closed operation of different branches with the same power supply but in different feeders; 3. electromagnetic ring networks. In the software package, several programs are included: 1. a general-purpose short-circuit current calculation program and a particular one for distribution systems only; 2. a closed-loop impulse current calculation program; 3. a short-circuit impulse current calculation program; 4. some supporting programs.