The FMIT Experimental Drift Tube
An experimental drift tube (EDT) is being developed for use in the prototype Fusion Materials Irradiation Test (FMIT) Facility. The EDT is being used as a developmental test bed for evaluation of drift-tube design and fabrication. Standard features, typical of the FMIT drift tubes, such as copper-plated stainless-steel construction, channelized-flow face cooling, beam steering coils, water-cooled quadrupole magnets, and water-cooled bore tubes, will be incorporated into the EDT. The EDT also will serve as a diagnostic tool containing a beam-position monitor, (BPM) as well as instrumentation to provide engineering data relating to vibrations, heating because of beam spill, and normal operating quadrupole and drifttube skin temperatures. The EDT program is currently in the design and developmental fabrication stages, and the proposed completion date is April 1981, with installation into the prototype FMIT accelerator in June 1982.