Learning not to finish: participatory media development for responsible fisheries extension
This paper deals with the experiences and insights gathered during the
implementation of a research project titled "Designing and Validation of
Communication Strategies for Responsible Fisheries - A Co-learning
Approach" at Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) during 2001-
04 under the National Agricultural Technology Project being implemented by
Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. The paper is
organized under the following heads i) Rationale and Objectives of the project
ii) Methodology iii) Assessment of Responsible Fisheries Information Needs
ARFIN iv) Communication Tools and Strategies developed under the project
along with the insights (process and product phase) obtained v) Implications
and vi) Conclusions. The project, which can be considered as first of its kind
ever undertaken in the country, has clearly established not only the necessitybut also the possibility of undertaking extension interventions by way of
designing communication tools and strategies in a participatory mode and
putting them into massive use for creating an awareness on the concept of
responsible fisheries among the stakeholders of marine fisheries sector in the
country A model for communication of responsible fisheries is also suggested
after explaining the various tools and strategies developed for responsible
fisheries extension.