The Centenary of the International Review of Hydrobiology From Documentation of Single Plankton and Benthos Phenomena to Community Metabolism and Use of Molecular Probes

The “Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie” was founded in 1908 by RICHARD WOLTERECK. That journal was one of the two oldest hydrobiological periodicals in the world. The aim of the journal was to serve as a synthesis of disciplinary studies. The journal had an eventful history which can be divided into 3 periods from 1908-1944, 1959–1989, and 1989–2008. In 1998 the title was modified slightly to “International Review of Hydrobiology”. Throughout its history, this hydrobiological journal dealt with aquatic organisms and covered many aspects of Limnology and Marine Biology where they were relevant to an ecological understanding. Die Wissenschaft von heute ist der Irrtum von morgen 1

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