Sediment concentrations and sediment transport in case of irregular non-breaking waves with a current
The present report contains a description of an experimental program, as a follow up of experiments by v.d. Kaaij and Nieuwjaar in 1986, and Nap and Van Kampen in 1987. As in the second study, in the present study a particle sand diameter of D50 = 100 mu was used, so that the experiments of Nap and Van Kampen will be referred as "the earlier 100-mu-study". The results of that study will be compared with the present results. Because of the fact that the sediment transport rate is studied for varying current-wave angles, it was not possible, in contradiction with the earl ier studies, to execute the experiments in a flume. Therefore the program was carried out in a basin of Delft Hydraulics. In chapter 3 the experimental set up (measuring instruments, experimental program) will be described. In chapter 4 the methods for estimating the several parameters (sediment transport, ripple parameters) will be described, the experimental results will be discussed. In chapter 5 the bed roughness and its relationship to concentrations and velocities in the near bed zone will be discussed. A comparison between the measured sediment transport rates and the predicted values by Van Rijn and Bijker is made. Finally, in chapter 7, a list of conclusions and recommendations is presented.