A handbook on anti-dumping investigations
1. Introduction 2. Multilateral legal framework 3. Domestic legal framework 4. Procedural aspects of an anti-dumping investigation 5. Key definitions and concepts applicable to the investigation 6. The pre-initiation phase of the investigation 7. The anti-dumping investigation 8. Steps from initiation to the preliminary determination 9. Steps from the preliminary determination to the final 10. Legal review before domestic tribunals 11. Legal review in WTO dispute settlement 12. Reviews 13. Refund or reimbursement of excess duties paid 14. Drafting injury determinations 15. Case study on injury Annexes: I. Sample application II. Sample dumping investigation questionnaires III. Sample injury investigation questionnaires IV. Agreement on implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (Anti-dumping Agreement) V. Anti-dumping and countervailing duties Tables: I. Procedures II. Dumping margin calculations III. Injury and causation determination.